Thursday, September 16, 2010

Masculine in the Divine Feminine?

I read this article today:

And it got me to thinking of how I felt when I discovered the Goddess {was with me and waiting for me to discover her for YEARS lol}.  I felt total acceptance of myself, all parts of myself, especially those I had buried as evil most of my life, such as my sexuality, strength, intelligence, worthiness!  It was as if a light I had kept turned off inside me suddenly burst forth in light so bright, no corner of my existence was left in the dark! 

In this well written article, the woman says she was drawn to only masculine Gods, because they made no demands on who and what she wasas a woman. She didn't have to be like the other women but could draw on the traits of Cerrunnos, Hephaestus, etc...  But I think it speaks of how poorly we as Pagans teach about ALL of our Goddesses, and ALL sides of them!   

Athena was a creative engineer, designing mechanical things for Hephaestus to make, an extremely talented battle strategist and more.  Then don't forget our huntresses!!!  Artemis, Dianna who hunt under the light of the moon, yet are also protectesses of the wild.  These are just off of the top of my head quickly, I am sure there are more, ah, let us not forget Kali Ma!  The Great Destroyer who gives birth to Creation!   

There are sects of Pagan women who follow these Goddesses, who set themselves apart and learn arts of warfare, not baking!  They don't worry over much about their looks, they concentrate on their inner and outer power.  

I think too much emphasis is still placed on looking sexually appealing rather than being appealing for our whole selves.  I don't believe we will be as valued by a partner who comes to us simply because we have shining hair and big bosoms or a good push up bra.  

We as Daughters of the Goddess, Witches, need to remember that one of the first things we are to do, is inner workings, not spells, not fancy rituals, but looking honestly at who and what we are.  When we do these deepest of workings, we need to look at ourselves with love, accepting and tolerance, yet with the attitude that we can and will change things that need changing!  Then also be truly accepting of facets of ourselves that our culture may not value, but help make us the unique individual we are.  

We need to realize that much of how we were raised to be in the American culture is based on the Judeo-Christian culture where women are subjugated by men, have to bow to his will over ours, and are expected to please him visually and all other ways, have his kids, clean his house and not think for ourselves.  

Gratefully our nation has been moving away from this, but it has a stronghold yet, not openly by all, but openly by a growing number in the "religious right" political and religious wing.  

So embrace your strength!  Are you a female carpenter, police officer, fire-person, scientist, engineer, etc?  

WONDERFUL! For you too are Goddess embodied!!! 

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