Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wheel Turning to Fall

With dragging heals I accept and acknowledge the wheel turning to Autumn...   I accept the cooler temps that tell my tomatoes their time is done, I accept that the flowers in bloom now are the mums which I place in a vain attempt to give lie to the illusion of a longer growing season.

I accept and revel in the thinning of the veil!  I know that I will be able to see the unseeable better, such as my cat Napthali, who died about fifteen years ago, yet is with me still.  In the thinning I can feel his presence and love greater.  Why he lingers I do not know, I have told him he doesn't have too, yet he stays and makes me smile....

I love he harvest, I thank the Goddess for the wondrous foods she gives us to enjoy, foods which contain medicines to heal or keep healthy our bodies.  Eggplant, zucchini, my three sisters greens (collards, turnips and mustards cooked with onion, smoked ham or bacon until tender) full of things that make our bodies strong to withstand the coming long, cold winter! 

I make my daily tonics out of chicken broth, with large amounts of turmeric, cayenne, garlic, and slightly lesser amounts of thyme and rosemary, sure to keep my blood moving and keep the winter chill from my toes!  

I have brought out my scraps of Fall fabrics, to create some accents of fall colors throughout my home, hung my *A Happy Witch lives here, with her little monsters* on my door, placed my flag with a ghostly tree and a Witch flying her broom in front of the moon that says *BOO* down the side in the yard near my walk... placed a stack of mini pumpkins in my front window. 

Ah, and last night, I greeted the new crescent fall moon as she peaked over the tops of the houses on a crisp cool night, shining so brightly she made me smile and helped me accept the loss of this growing season, another will come, and yet another, for all things come to pass in their time. 

Blessed and happy wheel turning to you all! 

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